This is the Exception message thrown by Gen_server when its not started.
([email protected])32> R11 = system_warning:self_test("SysWarn").
** exception exit: {noproc,
in function gen_server:call/3
in call from system_warning_sup:'-start_child/1-lc$^0/1-0-'/1
in call from system_warning:self_test/1
([email protected])33> R11.
* 1: variable 'R11' is unbound
Now, What I want to do is to catch this exception message & put into variable R11 (showed above as unbound). I want to do so because if gen_sever is not started then I want to start after getting this message. I also tried using handle_info but not able to trap the exception or may be not able to implement it correctly. Can any body please help me with this problem providing some code for example.