





I'm trying to make a queue be listened by two different applications but, so far, I didn't succeed on that.

I have tried both BeginPeek and BeginReceive methods but none of them worked. If I use BeginReceive along with ReceiveCompleted event only one server receives the message. If I use BeginPeek along with PeekCompleted the system runs into a loop or, if I manage to remove the message from the queue, only one server receives it.

Any clue of how to accomplish that???



The normal queue methods won't work for your case because, well, it's a queue, so first in first out. You have a few options.

The first option is to have the server publish onto two different queues, one for each client application. Then each client would use the BeginReceive/ReceiveCompleted methods. This is quite simple, but it can be a problem if you want to scale to many client applications. This is what I've done when I had several downstream systems that I needed to send messages to.

This MSDN blog suggests that you can attach a PGM multicast address to your queue. The clients then subscribe to the multicast group and receive the messages that way. I don't have any experience with this, but it looks like you lose transactionality, which may be a problem.
