I have two tables in an MS SQL Server 2005 database, parent and child, where the parent may be related to many child records. [Child.parent_id] is related to [parent.id]. The child table also has column [foo] I need to bring back all records in the parent table where [child.foo] matches on each of one to many parameters. For example I would like all parent records that have a [child.foo] value of 'fizz' and a [child.foo] value of 'buzz.' I have tried the below query, but it is returning records that match on only one.
FROM Parent
INNER JOIN Child ON Parent.ID = Child.parent_id
WHERE (Child.foo = 'fizz')
SELECT Parent_1.ID
FROM Parent AS Parent_1
INNER JOIN Child AS Child_1 ON Parent_1.ID = Child_1.parent_id
WHERE (Child_1.foo = 'buzz')