




What is the best way to convert a std::string to bool? I am calling a function that returns either "0" or "1", and I need a clean solution for turning this into a boolean value.

+10  A: 
bool to_bool(std::string const& s) {
     return s != "0";
Chris Jester-Young
+3  A: 

Write a free function:

bool ToBool( const std::string & s ) {
   return s.at(0) == '1';

This is about the simplest thing that might work, but you need to ask yourself:

  • what should an empty string return? the version above throws an exception
  • what should a character other than '1' or '0' convert to?
  • is a string of more than one character a valid input for the function?

I'm sure there are others - this is the joy of API design!

This is the best method, I think. Using `at` as the check is very clean.
@GMan: I'm not sure I agree with that. In C, 0 is false, and everything else is true. Hence, 2 is true, 03 is true, etc. So, even though the question is underspecified, it's reasonable to assume that everything that's not zero is true.
Chris Jester-Young
@Chris How about "00"? My point in this answer was that even for such a simple function, there are a lot of issues that need to be explored.
That's false, but that's why Kornel's solution is teh win. :-P
Chris Jester-Young
See my answer below, it deals with the 00 case and others by converting to an int.
Computer Guru
One part of the specification that's clear and unequivocal is that the input will be either "0" or "1", nothing else. As such, checking for "00", "2", "03", etc., falls right into YAGNI territory. Then again, so does using `at()`.
Jerry Coffin
It should be != '0', because in integers, anything else than 0 is true

Try this:

bool value;

if(string == "1")
    value = true;
else if(string == "0")
    value = false;
Kyle Lutz
Unfortunately this leaves value in an undeterminated state if the string should contain something else.
@UncleBens: More likely, its value would be FileNotFound. :-P
Chris Jester-Young
Chris: I rofl'd.
bool to_bool(std::string const &string) { 
    return string[0] == '1';
Jerry Coffin

I'd change the ugly function that returns this string in the first place. That's what bool is for.

I don't have control over this function, it is a third party library.
The library seems a bit stupid, though. Is there any reason why it should use `std::string` of all things for a boolean return?
@UncleBens - maybe it uses std::string as a "variant" type.
Kornel Kisielewicz
+11  A: 

It'll probably be overkill for you, but I'd use boost::lexical_cast

boost::lexical_cast<bool>("1") // returns true
boost::lexical_cast<bool>("0") // returns false
Kornel Kisielewicz
Since this solution embraces some overhead, you shouldnt use this when performance is important. Or specialize boost::lexical_cast for your own needs.
If you can afford converting strings to bools... Anyway, +1: this is the most robust method so far. And if it turns out too slow, wouldn't it be possible to specialize lexical_cast<bool, string> / beg the boost people to do it? :)
How is this more robust than anything else? Its behavior is unclear, for example, random nonzero numbers become true, "true" and empty string should throw exceptions. (Not sure offhand.)
@Potatoswatter: Write a test program and see. On Boost 1.38 (which is what I tested with), 0, 00, etc. => false; 1, 01, etc. => true; anything else I've tested ("", 2, 3, true, false) throws a `boost::bad_lexical_cast`.
Chris Jester-Young
@Chris: Having to try an experiment or look it up (I did briefly check the docs and didn't see it actually specified) is itself a fault. Portability may be limited.

Here's a way similar to Kyle's except it handles the leading zeroes and stuff:

bool to_bool(std::string const& s) {
     return atoi(s.c_str());
Computer Guru
But but but..."DEADBEEF" would be treated as false! :-P
Chris Jester-Young
And why would it be true?
Andreas Bonini
@Andreas: The C tradition is that 0 is false, and everything else is true. Ideally I'd like to throw an exception in that case, but if that's not an option, then true is "less wrong" than false, in my view.
Chris Jester-Young

I'd use this, which does what you want, and catches the error case.

bool to_bool(const std::string& x) {
  assert(x == "0" || x == "1");
  return x == "1";
Paul Hankin

You could always wrap the returned string in a class that handles the concept of boolean strings:

class BoolString : public string
    BoolString(string const &s)
    :   string(s)
        if (s != "0" && s != "1")
            throw invalid_argument(s);

    operator bool()
        return *this == "1";

Call something like this:

BoolString bs(func_that_returns_string());
if (bs) ...;
else ...;

Which will throw invalid_argument if the rule about "0" and "1" is violated.

Matt Joiner
Not everything has to be a class; a free-function is much cleaner and safer.
@GMan, I'd be the first one to say that :)
Matt Joiner

Either you care about the possibility of an invalid return value or you don't. Most answers so far are in the middle ground, catching some strings besides "0" and "1", perhaps rationalizing about how they should be converted, perhaps throwing an exception. Invalid input cannot produce valid output, and you shouldn't try to accept it.

If you don't care about invalid returns, use s[0] == '1'. It's super simple and obvious. If you must justify its tolerance to someone, say it converts invalid input to false, and the empty string is likely to be a single \0 in your STL implementation so it's reasonably stable. s == "1" is also good, but s != "0" seems obtuse to me and makes invalid => true.

If you do care about errors (and likely should), use

if ( s.size() != 1
 || s[0] < '0' || s[0] > '1' ) throw input_exception();
b = ( s[0] == '1' );

This catches ALL errors, it's also bluntly obvious and simple to anyone who knows a smidgen of C, and nothing will perform any faster.
