I know tree is a well studied structure.
I'm writing a program that randomly generates many expression trees and then sorts and selects by a fitness atribute.
I have a class MakeTreeInOrder() that turns the tree into a string that 'eval' can evaluate.
but it gets called many many times, and should be optimized for time.
below is a funtion that builds a tree that adds successive numbers to use as a test.
I was wondering if there is an optimized way to evaluate an exprssion that is in a tree structure. I figured that
that it's used quite a bit and somebodys already done this.
import itertools
from collections import namedtuple
#Further developing Torsten Marek's second suggestion
KS = itertools.count()
Node = namedtuple("Node", ["cargo", "args"])
def build_nodes (depth = 5):
if (depth <= 0):
this_node = Node((str(KS.next())), [None, None])
return this_node
this_node = Node('+', [])
build_nodes(depth = depth - (i + 1))
for i in range(2))
return this_node
The following is the code that I think can be made a lot faster. And I was hoping for some ideas.
class MakeTreeInOrder(object):
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
self.str = ''
def makeit(self, nnode = ''):
if nnode == '':
nnode = self.node
if nnode == None: return
self.str +='('
self.str += nnode.cargo
return self.str
def Main():
this_tree = build_nodes()
expression_generator = MakeTreeInOrder(this_tree)
this_expression = expression_generator.makeit()
print this_expression
print eval(this_expression)
if __name__ == '__main__':
rresult = Main()