Hello. I would like to know how to retrieve the address of the function that called my function with inline assembly. My idea is to get the address to where the function that called mine will return and using the instruction before it (that is a call to the function that called mine) retrieving the address of the one that called mine adding to the offset given to that call, to the address of the next instruction (the address to where the function that called mine will return). So far I was able to make this but to get the address of mine. It is fairly simple and it works:
mov eax, [ebp+4]
mov returnTo,eax
long addressOfMine = (*((long*)(returnTo - sizeof(long)))) + returnTo)
This retrieves the address of mine just fine. (By knowing that [ebp+4] is the address to where mine will return)
To do the same but one step above I tried to get the old ebp and do the same. I saw in a site that [ebp+0] is the old ebp so I tried:
mov eax, [ebp]
mov ebx, [eax+4]
mov returnTo,ebx
long addressOfCaller = (*((long*)(returnTo - sizeof(long)))) + returnTo)
But it doesn't work. So, my assumption is wrong or I'm doing something wrong so I would like to ask your help.