



note i made up the term horizontal depth to measure the sub-dimension of a node within a tree.

so imagine a which would have xpath something like /html/table/tbody/tr/td, and "horizontal depth" of 5

i am trying to see if there is a way to identify and select elements based on this horizontal depth.

how can i find the maximum depth ?

+2  A: 

If you need all the nodes with depth >= 5:


And if you need all the nodes with depth == 5:


Actually, there is a XPath function count, which you can combine with ancestor axis:

//*[count(ancestor::*) >= 4]
Mladen Jablanović
how to get the max depth ?
Vertical or horizontal?Just kidding, I don't know using XPath (brief googling with no luck). But you can simply take all the nodes with XPath, and then in Ruby find the one with the largest number of ancestors.
Mladen Jablanović

I think that "vertical depth" and "horizontal depth" are ambiguous. Is there any reason not to use the axis terminology that already exists in XPath, and refer to "number of ancestors" and "number of preceding siblings"? It's slightly more verbose, but not much, and a) it's unambiguous and b) the terms map onto count(ancestor::*) and count(preceding-sibling::*).

Robert Rossney
how can i get the maximum depth of the tree ?