


+1  Q: 

Maya API to C++


I was reading about the Maya API to C++ and didn't quite understand the idea.

Upon implementing the API, Can I create an environment, or a GUI in 3D world in Visual Studio?

This question is related to my previous one about the Maya API. Question

If someone could give me a good place to begin, it would be great.

Thanks, Oded.

+1  A: 

you cant create 3d environment outside maya, as well as you can do anything inside maya with the api.

i recommend that you start with maya python api istead of c++ its way easier, and takes less development time.

you may read the "Complete Maya Programming" book, its example written in c++, but if you know some python you can write them in pyton

Ahmad Dwaik
So basically the api lets me do everything in Maya, but from Visual Studio in C++ ?
with maya you cant do any development FOR outside maya..but if youre wondering whether you can develop plugins using VS, sure you can..btw do you work as TD or something, what do you do on maya?
Ahmad Dwaik
I'm a student getting close to my final project of BSc degree, and I thought about using my knowledge of Maya (I've made short animation movies in the past) in my Project.