I am using Octave and I would like to use the anderson_darling_test from the Octave forge Statistics package to test if two vectors of data are drawn from the same statistical distribution. Furthermore, the reference distribution is unlikely to be "normal". This reference distribution will be the known distribution and taken from the help for the above function " 'If you are selecting from a known distribution, convert your values into CDF values for the distribution and use "uniform'. "
My question therefore is: how would I convert my data values into CDF values for the reference distribution?
Some background information for the problem: I have a vector of raw data values from which I extract the cyclic component (this will be the reference distribution); I then wish to compare this cyclic component with the raw data itself to see if the raw data is essentially cyclic in nature. If the the null hypothesis that the two are the same can be rejected I will then know that most of the movement in the raw data is not due to cyclic influences but is due to either trend or just noise.