Why not ask the target database itself how it would interpret the queries?
In perl, one can use the DBI to query the prepared representation of a SQL query. Sometimes this is database-specific: some drivers (under the perl DBD::
namespace) support their RDBMS' idea of describing statements in ways analogous to the RDBMS' native C or C++ API.
It can be done generically, however, as the DBI will put the names of result columns in the statement handle attribute NAME
. The following, for example, has a good chance of working on any DBI-supported RDBMS:
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use constant DSN => 'dbi:YouHaveNotToldUs:dbname=we_do_not_know';
my $dbh = DBI->connect(DSN, ..., { RaiseError => 1 });
my $sth;
while (<>) {
next unless /^SELECT/i; # SELECTs only, assume whole query on one line
my $sql = /\bWHERE\b/i ? "$_ AND 1=0" : "$_ WHERE 1=0"; # XXX ugly!
eval {
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); # some drivers don't know column names
$sth->execute(); # until after a successful execute()
print $@, next if $@; # oops, problem with that one
print join(', ', @{$sth->{NAME}}), "\n";
The XXX ugly! bit there tries to append an always-false condition on the SELECT, so that the SQL engine doesn't have to do any real work when you execute()
. It's a terribly naive approach -- that /\bWHERE\b/i
test is no more correctly identifying a SQL WHERE clause than simple regexes correctly parse out SELECT field names -- but it is likely to work.