



EDIT: Because my brain failed, I actually meant a one to many, not a many-to-many as I first wrote this. This makes it a bit easier :)

I'm in the process of designing my database and one of the Tables (Tasks), needs to be able to have a one-to-many relationship with itself. This is because a task can have a number of sub-tasks that have the same data (much like a question and answer on SO).

I'm just a little confused, due to my not very strong SQL, as to how to make a one-to-many on the same table.

Currently I have these rows:

TaskId (uniqueidentifier)
aspnet_OwnerUserId (uniqueidentifier)
Title (nvarchar(50)) Description (nvarchar(MAX))
StartDate (smalldatetime)
DueDate (smalldatetime)

+1  A: 

Well you could do this as a many-to-many but really its more like a nested set.

+3  A: 

While I am not very sure what you are going to achieve, but depending on what you've given as the table fields, I think a one-to-many relationship with the table itself is more appropriate.

TaskId (integer *Primary Key)
Ref_Id (integer *Foreign Key references to TaskId above)
ASPNet_OwnerUserId (integer)
Title (varchar/text)
StartDate (Date/Timestamp)
DueDate (Date/Timestamp)

If you want a subtask to have multiple parent tasks, then please forget what I have said. That said, one or more answers can be made to a certain question, but not the other way around.

EDIT: I would suppose you are going to have another table "aspnet_OwnerUser" which holds some user info. Please take a look of the follow SQL if that's the case. Otherwise, forget it. ;)

CREATE TABLE `aspnet_OwnerUser`
    , `name` VARCHAR(128)
    -- further detail follows

    , `ref_id` INTEGER
        CONSTRAINT REFERENCES `task`(`id`)
    , `aspnet_OwnerUserId` INTEGER
        CONSTRAINT REFERENCES `aspnet_OwnerUser`(`id`)
    , `title` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL
    , `startdate` TIMESTAMP
    , `duedate` TIMESTAMP

p.s. the above SQL is written for PostgreSQL, for other DBMS, please feel free to alter it.

Yeah, it appears I'm more of a moron that it first appeared and a one-to-many is exactly what I was thinking. I just couldn't seem to make by brain translate that. Updating question.
Alastair Pitts
Thanks for putting my brain back on the straight and narrow. /bows
Alastair Pitts
+2  A: 

The intersection (junction) table is coded pretty much as you would expect, only with two foreign keys pointing at the same table.

create table task_subtasks
 ( master_id number not null
   , sub_id number not null
   , constraint task_subtask_pk primary key (master_id, sub_id)
    , constraint task_subtask_master_fk foreign key (master_id)
         references tasks (taskid)
    , constraint task_subtask_sub_fk foreign key (sub_id)
         references tasks (taskid)


Having typed that up, I would like to interrogate your data model. I can see that a task can own many sub-tasks, but I am not sure how a sub-task can belong to many master tasks. Are you sure you don't really want a one-to-many relationship?

edit 2

While I was writing that edit I see you edited your question to answer that point.

create table tasks (
TaskId number not null
, aspnet_OwnerUserId number not null
, subTaskId number
, Title (nvarchar(50))
, Description (nvarchar(MAX))
, StartDate (smalldatetime)
, DueDate (smalldatetime)
, constraint task_pk primary key (taskid)
, constraint sub_task_fk foreign key (subtaskid)
    references tasks (taskid)
This is the correct answer for a many-to-many. Thanks to shinkou, I have been corrected.
Alastair Pitts
@Alastair Pitts - On this site it's not always easy to tell whether the given data model is the real target or just a simplified test case.
+1  A: 

If your analogy is like a question and answer on SO then this is not a many-to-many relationship, it is a one-to-many relationship. One question may have several answers, but an answer belongs to one and only one question. The simplest way to map this is:

Table - Tasks

TaskID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,
ParentTaskID uniqueidentifier NULL,
(other fields)

Then create a self-referencing foreign key constraint from ParentTaskID to TaskID.

Let's say that for some reason you really do need a M:M mapping. That has to be done using a mapping table; a self-refeferencing M:M isn't really any different from a M:M involving two tables:

Table - Tasks

TaskID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,
(other fields)

Table - SubTasks

TaskID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,
SubTaskID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL

Place a foreign key constraint on both TaskID and SubTaskID in the SubTasks table that references the Tasks (TaskID) column. The only difference between this and any other M:M relationship is that both foreign key constraints point to the same table (and on some DBMSes, you won't be able to cascade both of them).

Good answer for both my original issue and the updated corrected issue :)
Alastair Pitts