



My local django dev environment (apache 2.2, Python 2.6, Django 1.2a, mod_wsgi, sqlite, win7 64bit) is really slow. It usually takes 15sec-30sec to load a page.

Any ideas what might be slowing it down? Same application on the production server runs just fine.

Task manager shows: Task Manager

+1  A: 

What host name are you using to access your site? Are you using 'localhost'? If so, try using '' instead and see if it runs quicker.

Seen a few times where people would experience delays because of fact that IPV6 is enabled by default on Windows 7. This was causing issues when accessing via localhost. The solution was to edit:


and comment out the line:

::1 localhost

Ie., make it so it reads:

# ::1 localhost

If there is a line:

# localhost

uncomment it so it reads: localhost

Anyway, think that was what the changes needed to be.

Graham Dumpleton
Graham, that didn't help. It's still very slow 80% of the time.

Thanks for the reply this was exactly what I needed and fixed my problem. Now my django apps are lightning fast.