You can encapsulate erasing to provide the same interface for all containers you use:
namespace detail {
template<typename Container, typename R>
struct SelectErase {
// by default, assume the next iterator is returned
template<typename Iterator>
Iterator erase(Container& c, Iterator where) {
return c.erase(where);
// specialize on return type void
template<typename Container>
struct SelectErase<Container, void> {
template<typename Iterator>
Iterator erase(Container& c, Iterator where) {
Iterator next (where);
return next;
template<typename I, typename Container, typename R>
SelectErase<Container,R> select_erase(R (Container::*)(I)) {
return SelectErase<Container,R>();
} // namespace detail
template<typename Container, typename Iterator>
Iterator erase(Container& container, Iterator where) {
return detail::select_erase<Iterator>(&Container::erase).erase(container, where);
This requires either:
- c.erase returns the iterator for the next item. This is how vector, deque, and list work.
- c.erase returns void and does not invalidate the next iterator. This is how map, set, and (non-stdlib) hash_map work.