I'm having an issue where using vector.push_back(value)
is overwriting the final value, rather than appending to the end. Why might this happen? I have a sample item in the vector, so it's size never hits zero. Below is the code..
void UpdateTable(vector<MyStruct> *Individuals, MyStruct entry)
MyStruct someEntry;
bool isNewEntry = true;
for (int i = 0; i < Individuals->size(); i++)
if (!(strcmp(Individuals->at(i).sourceAddress, entry.sourceAddress)))
isNewEntry = false;
//snip. some work done here.
This let's my first "sample" value stay in, and will allow for just one more item in the vector. When 2 new entries are added, the second overwrites the first, so the size is never larger than 2.
edit: More code, since this is apparently not the issue?
void *TableManagement(void *arg)
//NDP table to store discovered devices.
//Filled with a row of sample data.
vector<MyStruct> discoveryTable;
MyStruct sample;
sample.sourceAddress = "Sample";
sample.lastSeen = -1;
sample.beaconReceived = 1;
int sleepTime = rand() % 3;
MyStruct newDiscovery = ReceivedValue();
if (newDiscovery.lastSeen != -1000) //no new value from receivedValue()
UpdateTable(&discoveryTable, newDiscovery);
return NULL;