I have several core data entities that contains a bunch of empty NSString
I parse some XML and set the properties I can get a hold of and would like to set the "empty" ones to "n/a" as in "not available". So if my XML does not contain the values it sort of tidy up the Entity by giving it a "n/a" string I can test for later on, also should one of these make it to a UILabel it will not display (null) .. which leads me to my question:
I do this to test if the property on the Entity is already sat, is nil or is empty:
for(NSString *s in allPossibleStrings) {
if([[f valueForKey:s] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && [[f valueForKey:s] isEqualToString:@""]) {
[f setValue:@"n/a" forKey:s];
if ([[f valueForKey:s] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && [f valueForKey:s] == nil) {
[f setValue:@"n/a" forKey:s];
It turns out however that I still end up with a lot of values being displayed as (null).
So I was thinking can the property be something else than @""
empty or (nil)
I believe the NSManagedObject should be KVC compliant so I did a test where I copied my NSManagedObject property by property, only difference is that is is a subclass of just NSObject instead of NSManagedObject. Sadly this behaves in the exact same way. It also leaves values as (null)
Hope someone can pick up on where I go wrong with these string tests :)
Thank You