



Is there some way, through either JAWS scripting or HTML, to force JAWS to refresh its virtual screen buffer (normally Ins + Esc)? I'm working on an AJAX-heavy web application that requires JAWS support, but the users don't particularly like the solution "hit Ins+Esc after performing any action to catch possible changes".

+1  A: 

The only way I know to do this is through Jaws scripting. According to the script documentation

Refresh (1)

Will force a refresh of the screen and

Refresh (0)

will only refresh if needed. There's also a RefreshWindow(Handle) that refreshes the window with the given handle but I don't know how well that will work in an internet browser since I'm not sure weather all the content you need is in one window.

After doing some reading this looks like it will probably do the trick (or at least get as close as I'm going to get). Thanks!