



Im just fiddling around with small apps, trying to learn the SDK and ObjC 2.

Im trying to display an image randomly and I keep finding different ways up displaying a picture. I have uploaded the picture into the SDKs resources folder.

Anyway, here is my code. Can someone steer me in the right direction.

#import "randomViewController.h"

@implementation randomViewController

//not sure if this is the right way to do it really.
NSArray *comImage = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
      [UIImage imageNamed:@"rock.png"],
      [UIImage imageNamed:@"paper.png"],
      [UIImage imageNamed:@"scissors.png"],

- (IBAction) randButton {
 int text = rand() % 3;
 switch (text) {
  case 0:
   textView.text = @"Rock";
  case 1:
   textView.text = @"Paper";
  case 2:
   textView.text = @"Scissors";
+1  A: 

I would do it this way:

NSArray *myImageNames = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"rock.png", @"paper.png", @"scissors.png", nil];
int index = arc4random() % [myImageNames count];

UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:[myImageNames objectAtIndex:index]];
myUIImageView.image = myImage;

Obviously you can hold on to myImageNames so you don't have to recreate it every run if you deem it worthwhile.

Got it. See the updated code. It assumes you have already added a UIImageView called myUIImageView to your view. I assume you know how to do this if you already have a UIButton on the screen.

To add a UIImageView:

Declare the UIImageView *myUIImageView in your header.
Place this in your viewDidLoad assuming you use an xib:

myUIImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x, y, width, height)];
[self.view addSubview:myUIImageView];

Replace x, y, width and height with the appropriate values. They will determine where in the view the UIImageView appears and how large it is.

David Kanarek
So, am i replacing the "blah, foo, bar" with the image names like "rock.png" etc?and do i put it all in the -(IBAction)?
Yes, and yes. It's a little unclear what you are doing though, as you never use your images in the above code.
David Kanarek
Basically what I want to do is display a random picture when I push the "button". Its acting as the computers choice for the rock paper scissors. Im just not sure how to go about it and I figured this would be the best way to do it. Im just starting to learn it.
+1 this is how I'd do it.
Dave DeLong
you would think I would know how to do that, but looks can be deceiving ha ha. Im just learning the relationships between the different classes and methods. Getting a feel of it all. Thanks for all the help.

To display images, you want to add a UIImageView and set its image property to whatever UIImage you want. Look at David's answer to see how to get a random image using objectAtIndex:, then set the image property of your image view to that.

Ian Henry