I have several decorators on each function, is there a way to pack them in to one instead?
def do_stuf():
change to:
@all_funs #runs fun1 fun2 and fun3, how should all_funs look like?
def do_stuf():
I have several decorators on each function, is there a way to pack them in to one instead?
def do_stuf():
change to:
@all_funs #runs fun1 fun2 and fun3, how should all_funs look like?
def do_stuf():
A decorator is in principle only syntactic sugar for this:
def do_stuf():
do_stuf = fun1(do_stuf)
So in your all_fun, all you should need to do is to wrap the function in the same kind of chain of decorators:
def all_funs(funky):
return fun1(fun2(fun3(fun4(funky)))
Things get a little bit (but only a litte) more complex if you have parameters to the decorators.
It's also possible to write a generic decorator that supports decorator chaining:
def fun1(f):
print "fun1"
return f
def fun2(f):
print "fun2"
return f
def fun3(f):
print "fun3"
return f
def chained(*dec_funs):
def _inner_chain(f):
for dec in reversed(dec_funs):
f = dec(f)
return f
return _inner_chain
def do_stuff():
@chained(fun1, fun2, fun3)
def do_stuff2():
all_funs = chained(fun1, fun2, fun3)
def do_stuff3():