I am getting up and running with Spree in production on a 256MB Slicehost slice with MySQL, Mongrel, and Nginx. I am getting this error every time I try to access any URL in the app:
SystemStackError (stack level too deep): compass (0.8.17) lib/compass/app_integration/rails/action_controller.rb:7:in `process' vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/sass/plugin/rack.rb:44:in `call'
(Some more test url requests are in this pastie)
What are the advanced (but free and open source) debugging strategies/tools I should use while in production mode so I can do better at solving this problem?
It's slightly different each time depending on the controller. I have tried increasing my stack size, but that doesn't help because there's probably just some loop I can't find.
The question is, how do I get a more detailed report of the exact output while in production?
I am using Deprec and Capistrano to execute all server side commands. I am running a mongrel cluster of 3. The log files I see are:
current/log$ ls development.log testsite.com-error.log mongrel.8000.log mongrel.8001.log mongrel.8002.log mongrel.log production.log testsite.com-access.log
I'm just looking for some advanced debugging strategies/tools while in production mode so I can do better at solving this problem. Maybe some cap tasks for streaming/debugging (or conditionally break-pointing!) the production app (really, a staging app) locally (do people do that?), or something that spits out every single thing that executes in code?