Here's the code:
NSMutableDictionary *circuit_step = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSMutableDictionary *step_info = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[step_info setObject: @"search" forKey: @"search-type"];
[step_info setObject: @"small" forKey: @"search-format"];
[step_info setObject: @"winter" forKey: @"search-season"];
[step_info setObject: @"tree" forKey: @"search-location"];
**[circuit_step setObject: circuit_step forKey: @"01"];**
[step_info setObject: @"search" forKey: @"search-type"];
[step_info setObject: @"micro" forKey: @"search-format"];
[step_info setObject: @"summer" forKey: @"search-season"];
[step_info setObject: @"by the lake" forKey: @"search-location"];
**[circuit_step setObject: circuit_step forKey: @"02"];**
What is the code to do a direct access on dictionary circuit_step key "01"
and dictionary step_info key "search-location"
in a format suitable for NSLog?