I have some data stored in a DB that I want to process. DB access is painfully slow, so I decided to load all data in a dictionary before any processing. However, due to the huge size of the data stored, I get an out of memory error (I see more than 2 gigs being used). So I decided to use a disk data structure, and found out that using shelve is an option. Here's what I do (pseudo python code)
def loadData():
if (#dict exists on disk):
d = shelve.open(name)
return d
d = shelve.open(name, writeback=True)
#access DB and write data to dict
# d[key] = value
# or for mutable values
# oldValue = d[key]
# newValue = f(oldValue)
# d[key] = newValue
d = shelve.open(name, writeback=True)
return d
I have a couple of questions,
1) Do I really need the writeBack=True? What does it do?
2) I still get an OutofMemory exception, since I do not exercise any control over when the data is being written to disk. How do I do that? I tried doing a sync() every few iterations but that didn't help either.