



I don't want to recreat whole table . i need any WYSIWYG/gui/interface online/offline tool to convert already made HTML tables to highly Accessible table as much as possible.

Which IDE/web design software/WYSIWYG Editor/ has best Table editor to make accessible table?

Just for example like this table

        <td><strong>Threaded screws</strong></td>
        <td><strong>Flat nails</strong></td>
        <td><strong>Spring washers</strong></td>

to this

<table summary="Table of screws, Flat nails, Dyna-bolts and
Spring washers, in kilos and pounds">
        Pricing for screws, Flat nails and Dyna-bolts
            <th id="screws" abbr="screws">Threaded screws</th>
            <th id="nails" abbr="nails">Flat nails</th>
            <th id="bolts" abbr="bolts">Dyna-bolts</th>
            <th id="washers" abbr="washers">Spring washers</th>
            <th id="kilo">Kilo</th>
            <td headers="screws kilo">$2.50</td>
            <td headers="nails kilo">$3.50</td>
            <td headers="bolts kilo">$4.50</td>
            <td headers="washers kilo">$2.50</td>
            <th id="pound">Pound</th>
            <td headers="screws pound">$2.00</td>
            <td headers="nails pound">$3.00</td>
            <td headers="bolts pound">$4.00</td>
            <td headers="washers pound">$2.00</td>

I've yet to come across such a tool.

Even if there's one, you might spend more time mapping the tags/attributes than actually coding it from scratch.

Or perhaps writing one mapping tool for your own use if you need to convert huge number of tables with similar structure.

yeah, i can do this manually but i wanted to save some time if possible bcoz i have to convert lots of table. and i don't know programming so i can't write tool for myself
+2  A: 

Frankly, I'd just do this by hand.

If these table are dynamically generated, the code should be straight forward to figure out even with the most minimal of guidance as to what to add and change. Even someone who is not a programmer can make these changes once someone points out the way.

The time to set up and describe the data to a tool would be likely longer and more arduous than simply changing the tables by hand. Cut and paste are your friend here, so is Search/Replace. Use an editor that let's you Search/Replace within a selection.

If you have that, in the example you gave, you can select the first block of rows and change "<td>" to "<td headers="screws kilo">" in a click.

In the end, you have to type this stuff in to something anyway, at least once. Likely the tool will just get in the way.

Will Hartung

You'd be hard pressed to find a reliable method of doing this with a WYSIWYG editor.

Do it by hand -any editor that allows you to find/replace within a selection should help to speed up the process. Since your attributes differ from each other you could use it just to insert the attribute names and do the rest yourself.
