




I have been struggling with the following problem:
I have a value object containing different panels. Each panel has a list of fields.


<class name="com.aviseurope.core.application.RACountryPanels" table="CTRY" schema="DBDEV1A" where="PEARL_CTRY='Y'" lazy="join">
<cache usage="read-only"/>
<id name="ctryCode">
<column name="CTRY_CD_ID" sql-type="VARCHAR2(2)" not-null="true"/>
<bag name="panelPE" table="RA_COUNTRY_MAPPING" fetch="join" where="MANDATORY_FLAG!='N'">
<key column="COUNTRY_LOCATION_ID"/>
<many-to-many class="com.aviseurope.core.application.RAFieldVO" column="RA_FIELD_MID" where="PANEL_ID='PE'"/>

I use the following criteria to get the value object:

Session m_Session = HibernateUtil.currentSession();
            m_Criteria = m_Session.createCriteria(RACountryPanels.class);
            m_Criteria.add(Expression.eq("ctryCode", p_Country));

As I see the query cache contains only the main select like

select * from CTRY where ctry_cd_id=?

Both RACountryPanels and RAFieldVO are second level cached. If I check the 2nd level cache content I can see that it cointains the RAFields and the RACountryPanels as well and I can see the select .. from CTRY where ctry_cd_id=... in query cache region as well.

When I call the servlet it seems that it is using the cache, but second time not. If I check the content of the cache using JMX, everything seems to be ok, but when I measure the object access time, it seems that it does not always use the cache.

Cheers Zoltan

+3  A: 

I think that you need to also cache the association:

<bag name="panelPE" table="RA_COUNTRY_MAPPING" fetch="join" where="MANDATORY_FLAG!='N'">

  <cache usage="read-write"/>

  <key column="COUNTRY_LOCATION_ID"/>
  <many-to-many class="com.aviseurope.core.application.RAFieldVO" column="RA_FIELD_MID" where="PANEL_ID='PE'"/>
Pascal Thivent
I tried out, but did not help :-(
Zoltan Hamori
@hamoriz Try to provide more details if you can (like what you see with JMX before and after the request, etc).
Pascal Thivent
There was an other problem with the RA_FIELD mapping, after fixing it, your recommendation solved the issue
Zoltan Hamori
@hamoritz Good to know and glad it was useful.
Pascal Thivent