I frequently find myself using the following pattern for string formatting.
a = 3
b = 'foo'
c = dict(mykey='myval')
#prints a is 3, b is foo, mykey is myval
print('a is {a}, b is {b}, mykey is {c[mykey]}'.format(**vars()))
That is, I often have the values I need to print in the local namespace, represented by a call to vars(). As I look over my code, however, it seems awfully unpythonic to be constantly repeating the .format(**vars())
I'd like to create a function that will capture this pattern. It would be something like the following.
# doesn't work
def lfmt(s):
lfmt (local format) will format the string using variables
in the caller's local namespace.
return s.format(**vars())
Except that by the time I'm in the lfmt
namespace, vars() is no longer what I want.
How can I write lfmt so that it executes vars() in the caller's namespace such that the following code would work as the example above?
print(lfmt('a is {a}, b is {b}, mykey is {c[mykey]}'))