I'm currently creating a new neat CLI library for PHP, and i'd like to figure out the width/height of the console it's running in.
I've tried many things like digging through $_ENV, exec("echo $COLUMNS"), etc, but no result, while if i type echo $COLUMNS or $ROWS in bash commandline, it neatly displays the value.
What do i need to do to access this value from PHP?
I'm using .sh scripts like this:
#!/usr/bin/php -q
class HelloWorld extends CommandLineApp {
public function main($args) {
echo('O, Hai.');
Update Final solution:
public function getScreenSize() {
preg_match_all("/rows.([0-9]+);.columns.([0-9]+);/", strtolower(exec('stty -a |grep columns')), $output);
if(sizeof($output) == 3) {
$this->settings['screen']['width'] = $output[1][0];
$this->settings['screen']['height'] = $output[2][0];