I want to implement a Mesh class for a CG project, but have run into some problems. What I want to do is a Mesh class that hides implementation details (like loading to a specific API: OpenGL, DirectX, CUDA, ...) from the user. Additionally, since the Mesh class will be used in research projects, this Mesh class has to be very flexible.
class Channel {
virtual loadToAPI() = 0;
template <class T>
class TypedChannel : public Channel {
std::vector<T> data;
template <class T>
class OpenGLChannel : public TypedChannel<T> {
loadToAPI(); // implementation
class Mesh {
template<class T>
virtual TypedChannel<T>* createChannel() = 0; // error: no virtual template functions
std::vector<Channel*> channels;
class OpenGLMesh {
template<class T>
TypedChannel<T>* createChannel()
TypedChannel<T>* newChannel = new OpenGLChannel<T>;
return newChannel;
For flexibility, each Mesh is really a collection of channels, like one position channel, a normal channel, etc. that describe some aspects of the mesh. A channel is a wrapper around a std::vector with some added functionality.
To hide implementation details, there is a derived class for each API (OpenGLMesh, DirectXMesh, CUDAMesh, ...) that handles API-specific code. The same goes for the Channels (OpenGLChannel, etc. that handle loading of the Channel data to the API). The Mesh acts as a factory for the Channel objects.
But here is the problem: Since the Channels are template classes, createChannel must be a template method, and template methods cannot be virtual. What I would need is something like a Factory Pattern for creating templated objects. Does anyone have advice on how something similar could be accomplished?