



Hello everyone

I want write a Special Messenger(should be able to some transaction) with RMI(Remote Method Invocation) or Network(Socket) , It should be

  1. Fast
  2. Secure
  3. Convenience(easy to use)
  4. and of course beautiful :)

It's for a big LAN and it should be able to handle our transaction in Oracle DB !!!

which way is better in java? RMI or Network ???

Thanks guys :)

+1  A: 

Are you asking whether RMI or low-level socket programming is better? I'd say unless you had a real good reason, use something more high-level for the networking. A drawback with RMI would be that it is tied to Java. If that is a problem, you can look at other, more cross-platform remoting protocols.

Either way, the networking issue seems to be completely unrelated to "handling transactions with an Oracle DB".

Thanks Dear Thilo , Ok your mean is Networking is better for me no?
Mike Redford
No. More higher-level frameworks (such as RMI) would be better.
+2  A: 

RMI Programming Services Reach out and touch someone. Object-oriented distributed computing is all about communication between objects that live in different virtual machines. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) makes sending a message to an object in Timbuktu as easy as invoking a method on a local object. RMI is 100% Pure Java TM. And best of all, it's built into the core Java libraries (version 1.1 and higher). This module introduces RMI and covers its strengths and weaknesses as a platform for distributed computing. Reference RMI Programming:
Socket Programming:

Thanks Dear SjB it's complete and perfect :)
Mike Redford