I have an application which makes use of winsock. I/O part is handled on an other thread. And I am using blocking select method for sockets. But the point is that after 5-6 hours,my application gives 0xC00000FD exception, at the line of select function.
As far as I know, this exception occurs when there is recursion, or very large local variables. But neither of them is the case for me.
So do you have any idea why am I getting this exception? Or any ideas to discover what actually causes exception?
many thanks
Dear All, I am very sorry but since reproducing the case takes long time, I just realized that this has not solved the problem. Everything seems ok when stack overflow exception occurs at the line of select function.
I mean it is a server socket with a one client connected. So there is 2 socket in rset and 1 in wset. After selecting, I am checking all ready sockets and making required, read,write,accept. Timeout is 250 ms. Do you think can this be the problem? I don't want this function to be blocking so it is not null. But what will be the exact difference if I use {0,0}
An important hint is:
Same code was working without any problem, when client socket wasn't sending any data.
But when I started sending some data from client to server this problem occured.
I am sure that there is no problem with FD_SETs and FD_CLRs, I mean when client was not sending only 1(server) socket was in rset and 1(client) was in wset.
Anyway I had a look a lot of samples, but it seems that there is not a difference.
Please see local variables screenshot below(I have deleted name of executable, since it is a commercial product) http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/1948/stackoverflow.jpg
And here is the call stack:
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]
xyz.exe!vm_socket_select(vm_socket * hds=0x04c1fb84, int nhd=1, int masks=7) Line 230 + 0x1b bytes C
xyz.exe!ND::nd_socket::SocketThreadProc() Line 173 + 0x12 bytes C++
xyz.exe!ND::nd_socket::ThreadRoutineStarter(void * u=0x07d63f90) Line 332 C++
xyz.exe!_callthreadstartex() Line 348 + 0x6 bytes C
xyz.exe!_threadstartex(void * ptd=0x011a3ce8) Line 326 + 0x5 bytes C
I am waiting for any advice. Many thanks