+1  A: 

Yeah, I figured it out. Turns out that luabind didn't have any problems at all, except for the way it was built. The jam build system, on mac os x, causes the static lua library to be linked in with the luabind shared library, causing duplicate symbols (and duplicate static variables) when I link my final binary. It didn't have the entire lua library linked in though, so you still have to link liblua.a in again.

Take this explanation with a grain of salt, but it's my best guess; I'm not an expert at how the Mac OS X linker works. I do know that when I built luabind statically, everything works fine.

So, for anyone building lubabind in mac, build statically. There are also other problems with the jam built shared lib that you'd have to fix, like the fact that @executable_path is wrong. Static build was dead simple.
