



I am trying to build a custom control based on a UIWebView and compile it into a library for reuse. Everything was working just fine when I had the code all together in a single test app but I'm having some trouble setting up a the delegate for the view for a library. Of note, the sample app used interface builder and thus the delegate was set via IB.


@interface NewsView : UIWebView {
   NSObject<UIWebViewDelegate> *delegate;
@property (nonatomic, assign) IBOutlet NSObject<UIWebViewDelegate> *delegate;

In the implementation all of my initialization methods call a common method viewInit


@implementation NewsView

@synthesize delegate;

- (void)viewInit {

    self.delegate = [[NewsViewDelegate alloc] init];

If the user clicks on one of the headlines in the view I need the delegate to intercept clicks and launch Safari.


@interface NewsViewDelegate : NSObject <UIWebViewDelegate> {


// Intercept URL events
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)myWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:
    (NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType {

    NSLog(@"URL Changed");
    // Check to see if this is a click event
    if (navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked) {
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[[request URL]            absoluteString]]];
            return NO;

    return YES;

Unfortunately shouldStartLoadWithRequest never gets called and so clicks are not being launched externally.

I'm sure I'm just missing something, any help would be greatly appreciated.



You are shadowing the existing delegate property of the webview. Try to simply not include the delegate property in your subclass. It should be inherited.

Thanks St3fan, I did try that earlier and then just again but it didn't seem to do the trick. From the code above I just commented out all the delegate definition / synthesize in the .h in the viewInit method but it didn't change the behavior. I'm sure that was a problem but something else is wrong as well. Thanks again, I really appreciate your taking the time to review and advise.

It's typically a bad idea to subclass UIWebView, and the docs specifically advise against it. I don't know for sure, but my guess is that UIWebView is a class cluster.

To get the effect you want, you might try making your NewsView a plain UIView, then add the UIWebView as a subview. From there you can set the UIWebView delegate to the NewsViewDelegate without worrying about the subclass.

The best method might be to create a NewsViewController class that loads your NewsView and implements the UIWebViewDelegate methods itself and set the NewsView webView delegate to your NewsViewController.

Tyson Tune
Thank you Tyson, I will give that change a try and report back. I appreciate your help. Is there a link that you could share regarding the advice not to subclass? I read the overview at and didn't see it (or just have doc fatigue and missed it).Thanks again!
Those are the OS X WebView reference, you should look at the iPhone UIWebView reference. the iPhone docs always show up first in my searches. Otherwise I'm sure I'd probably do the same thing all the time. :-)
Like kubi said, it's in the iPhone docs here: under Subclassing notes in the overview. Matt Gallagher has a good post about subclassing class clusters here:
Tyson Tune
I was finally able to work on this again and creating a UIView and containing a UIWebView did work well, thank you for the advice Tyson. I did also want to mention I was able to get that subclassed UIWebView to work by having it also be the UIWebViewDelegate:@interface NewsView : UIWebView <UIWebViewDelegate> Though I'm not sure when/if that would fall apart somewhere else. The UIView works very well and also lets me keep the delgates in separate file which I prefer.