



Hi, I need to get an input N from the user and generate a N*N matrix. How can I declare the matrix? Generally, the size of the array and matrix should be fixed at the declaration, right? What about vector<vector<int>> ? I never use this before so I need suggestion from veteran.

+3  A: 

A vector<vector<int> > (note the space in the > >) can work well, but it's not necessarily the most efficient way to do things. Another that can work quite nicely is a wrapper around a single vector, that keeps track of the "shape" of the matrix being represented, and provides a function or overloaded operator to access the data:

template <class T>
class matrix { 
    int columns_;
    std::vector<T> data;
    matrix(int columns, int rows) : columns_(columns), data(columns*rows) {}

    T &operator()(int column, int row) { return data[row*columns_+column]; }

Note that the C++ standard only allows operator[] to take a single operand, so you can't use it for this job, at least directly. In the example above, I've (obviously enough) used operator() instead, so subscripts look more like Fortran or BASIC than you're accustomed to in C++. If you're really set on using [] notation, you can do it anyway, though it's mildly tricky (you overload it in the matrix class to return a proxy, then have the proxy class also overload operator[] to return (a reference to) the correct element -- it's mildly ugly internally, but works perfectly well anyway).

Edit: Since I have it lying around, here's an example of how to implement the latter. I wrote this (quite a while) before most compilers included std::vector, so it statically allocates an array instead of using a vector. It's also for the 3D case (so there are two levels of proxies involved), but with a bit of luck, the basic idea comes through anyway:

template<class T, int size>
class matrix3 {

    T data[size][size][size];

    friend class proxy;
    friend class proxy2;

    class proxy { 
        matrix3 &m_;
        int index1_, index2_;
        proxy(matrix3 &m, int i1, int i2) 
            : m_(m), index1_(i1), index2_(i2) 

        T &operator[](int index3) { 

    class proxy2 { 
        matrix3 &m_;
        int index_;
        proxy2(matrix3 &m, int d) : m_(m), index_(d) { }

        proxy operator[](int index2) { 
            return proxy(m_, index_, index2);
    proxy2 operator[](int index) {
        return proxy2(*this, index);

Using this, you can address the array with the normal C++ syntax, such as:

matrix3<double, size> m;

for (int x=0; x<size; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y<size; y++)
        for (int z = 0; z<size; z++)
            m[x][y][z] = x*100 + y * 10 + z;
Jerry Coffin
Care to shed some light on the inefficiency part of vector of vectors?
Murali VP
@Murali:basically, you've got inefficiency in a couple of ways. First of all, even though all the sub-vectors (so to speak) are going to be the same size, each one stores its own length. Second, a vector is (at least normally) implemented using a pointer to dynamically allocated data, so with a vector of vectors, you need to go through two levels of pointers to get to the real data. Using a single vector involves multiplication instead, which was once a bad tradeoff, but with CPUs faster than memory, it's now almost always a win (extra CPU time vs. possibility of extra memory access).
Jerry Coffin
You could also use std::valarray since it already supports a variety of subset access mechanisms.
@MSN:You could -- `valarray` is something I've mentioned a few times in the past, but frankly that's a banner I've decided to quit waving, so to speak. Simple uses of it might make sense, but the minute you get into slice, gslice, slice_array, etc., it becomes completely opaque to at least 99% of the C++ community. Worse, it was really designed for vector processors; it's relatively cache unfriendly, so even if you know what it's doing, and a reader does as well, it'll often be quite an inefficient way of doing it anyway.
Jerry Coffin
@Jerry, but think about all the typing you would save! :)
+2  A: 

Boost implements matrices (supporting mathematical operations) in its uBLAS library, and provides usage syntax like the following.

#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    unsigned int N = atoi(argv[1]);
    boost::matrix<int> myMatrix(N, N);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < myMatrix.size1 (); ++i)
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < myMatrix.size2 (); ++j)
            myMatrix(i, j) = 3 * i + j;

    return 0;
Steve Guidi