




We use big input forms with couple of input fields and run into performance problems. The exact problem is the render time of the form. It takes couple of seconds (4-10sec) to display the form. We use multi column layout and ~30 combo fields loaded by json datastore and another ~10 input fields. The render process is so slow so I can see the alignment and display process of the form. Is there any method to speed up the display process?


Could it be that the data loaded by the JSONStores is causing the alignment to change? Turn off all the JSONStores and then measure the render process - you'll see that it takes quite awhile for the browser to make 30 back-end requests!

Jonathan Julian

I also suggest your stores are the problem. Have you tried FireFox? Or as @JJ recommended, don't load the stores and see what happens. I would also suggest rendering your forms lazily, but it seems like your problem involves the stores.

I have seen similar slowness when loading stores (usually backend queries taking lots of time). So, I created a single AJAX call to retrieve all store data. In the AJAX callback, parse the contents of the payload and distribute appropriately to each store.

Upper Stage
We use Firefox + Firebug for development. I don't think that the original problem is the json stores and requests (see my reply above). I think the slowness comes from rendering and layout. It can be seen by eyes that it tries to align/resize parts of the form to fit together. Although already I've said 3.1 version resolved most of our problems.