




Hi All,

I am trying to execute a build file in verbose and debug modes. I am getting messages of the type,

Property "component.key" has not been set

even though in target "private-init" of the build file, I am setting the value of variable, component.key.

I am attaching my build file, ic-build.xml, below

I am calling the build file from the command line in my local environment as follows: The build file uses a .properties file which maps to the properties in the build file.

ant -v -f ic-build.xml -Dprovisioning.plan=/tmp/ic_latest.properties -Dplan.override=/tmp/override.properties -Dframework.lib.dir=$ADE_VIEW_ROOT/faprov/dist/provisioning/framework/lib -Dconfigframework.lib.dir=$ADE_VIEW_ROOT/faprov/dist/provisioning/configframework/lib install

My question is that, is this behavior of printing out wrong error messages expected when you call ant in verbose/debug mode?

Please let me know.

Thanks, Prasanna


<?xml version="1.0"?>

     Install, configure and validate the ic product family

    <!-- Import common macros and property desetupitions -->
    <import file="${basedir}/base-product-family-build.xml"/>

    <!--  ********************************* Component Specific Install/Configure Process *************************************** -->
   The following are private entry points for this component build and
   should only be called by folks that REALLY know what they are doing and could result
   in unpredictable results if called directly.
        <guardedAntCall target="private-invoke-ic-compensation-build"    iftrue="${component.key}.action.install.ic.compensation">
        <param name="target" value="install"/>
    <guardedAntCall target="private-invoke-policy-manager-build"
        <param name="target" value="install"/>

            <!-- install web tier for this product family  -->
            <guardedAntCall target="private-invoke-webtier-build"    iftrue="${component.key}.action.install.webtier" >
            <param name="target"          value="install"                                                          />

    <!-- install web gate for this product family  -->
    <guardedAntCall target="private-invoke-webgate-build"
        <param name="target" value="install"/>


     TARGET: private-install [PRIVATE]

Custom install, if any


        <antcall target="base-product-family-install" />


     TARGET: private-invoke-webtier build [PRIVATE]

Invoke a target on the webtier build file using the correct webtier key.


     TARGET: private-invoke-webgate build [PRIVATE]

Invoke a target on the webgate build file using the correct webgate key.


     TARGET: private-invoke-ic-compensation-build build [PRIVATE]
Invoke a target on the ic-compensation build file using the correct key.


            <property name="ic.app.ic-compensation" value="${component.key}.app.ic-compensation"/>
            <ant target="${target}" antfile="ic-compensation-build.xml"  description="invoke target for ic compensation">
                    <property name="ic-compensation.component.key" value="${ic.app.ic-compensation}"/>
            <sendMessage state="Completed" target="${target}" component="ic-compensation"

     TARGET: private-invoke-soa-build [PRIVATE]
Invoke soa build file with predesetuped target.


            <property     name="soa.key"                value="${component.key}.techstack.soa"                         />
            <ant target="${target}" antfile="soa-build.xml"  description="invoke target for soa" >
                    <property name="soa.key"                   value="${component.key}.techstack.soa"                      />
            <sendMessage state="Completed" target="${target}" component="soa"

     TARGET: private-invoke-atgpf-build [PRIVATE]
Invoke atgpf build file with pre-defined target.


    <ant target="${target}" antfile="atgpf-build.xml"  description="invoke target for atgpf">
        <property name="atgpf.key"                   value="${component.key}.techstack.atgpf"                   />
    <sendMessage state="Completed" target="${target}" component="atgpf"

     TARGET: private-invoke-webcenter-build [PRIVATE]
Invoke webcenter build file with pre-defined target.


    <ant target="${target}" antfile="webcenter-build.xml"  description="invoke target for webcenter">
        <property name="webcenter.key"                   value="${component.key}.techstack.webcenter"            />
    <sendMessage state="Completed" target="${target}" component="webcenter"
