Howdy all,
I have written a custom class that depends significantly on touch dragging/positioning, outside of it's own view boundaries. There is an associated protocol defined with various relevant methods. An example of something that would use this protocol would be a view that allows things to be dropped into it from my custom class.
The problem I have is in figuring out when a touch is ended (the object is 'dropped'), whether or not there is an object that cares below that position. (For 'cares', read 'conforms to the protocol'!).
If it's a view that conforms to my protocol, it's easy, I can find it with - (CALayer *)hitTest:(CGPoint)thePoint
or something along those lines and query with a conformsToProtocol:@protocol(xx)
But if it is a view which is a subview of a UIViewController (for example), the view does not conform to the protocol, even though the UIViewController (as it's delegate) does. If the view really does want to be notified, I need to be able to figure out who it's delegate is, to message.
So, essentially, how do I traverse up the view hierarchy from the lowest UIView, asking if each view conforms to my protocol; and if it doesn't, does it have a delegate, and does that conform..?
Or is there a much easier way I haven't thought of?
Thanks very much..
Thanks to moshy, I've got a solution:
- (UIView *)viewThatConformsToProtocol:(Protocol *)protocol AtPointInWindow:(CGPoint)point {
UIView *lowestUIView = [[(AppDelegate).navigationController view] hitTest:point withEvent:nil];
UIResponder *respondsToProtocol = lowestUIView;
while ((respondsToProtocol != nil) && (![respondsToProtocol conformsToProtocol:protocol])) {
respondsToProtocol = [respondsToProtocol nextResponder]; // else try the next responder up the chain
return (UIView *)respondsToProtocol;
This either returns the view, or nil
if nothing conforms.
Thanks again..