Where can I get the structure for an HID device?
For example:
raw data from a device, using GetRawInputData:
( 0 137 117 0 146 130 24 128 0 )
( 0 137 117 0 146 130 8 128 0 )
at this I can see that || there is being a button released
that means, at the 6-th char at 4-th bit
By analyzing the raw stream I can figure out where are the buttons, switches and analog data. Is there a way to ask this information from Windows.
My main goal is to basically get structure:
Button - 6th char, 4th bit.
Analog - 2nd char
Switch - 6th char, 0-3th bit.
The only solution I found was HID Descriptors
. But I'm not sure how to use them.
After reading documentation I felt like running into a brick wall. Is there
maybe a good example how to use them or a book that describes them better. (Or a easier way
doing it without descriptors)
I found HidP_GetButtons
and HidP_GetUsages
but still no idea how to extract the structure (as described above).