




I have a TAPI Application (Delphi 2007) working on 32bits OSs (XP, Vista, Win7). The TAPI server is 32bits Windows 2003 SP2.

While TAPI APP is running on 64bits OS, I can connect to the line but i cannot get TAPI messages on my App.

I can see messages have arrived on machine through Tracing tapisrv but the WaitForSingleObjectEx to the event handle (returned by lineInitializeEx) is never signaled (always returns WAIT_TIMEOUT).

I've also tried C++ code and 64bits compiler but the 64bits App had the same behavior (except not even starting on 32bits OS :-) ).

Is there any ideas how i can receive the TAPI messages to my App???

EDIT: Well, it seems that only the messages regarding incoming calls are cut. If (while App is running) i execute "tcmsetup /c /d" (=disable TAPI) then i DO receive LINE_CLOSE and LINE_REMOVE messages. Then, if i execute "tcmsetup /c server_name", i DO get the LINE_CREATE message. I can lineOpen the new line provided but still CANNOT get LINE_APPNEWCALL, LINE_CALLSTATE etc


What underlying TSP, e.g. cisco.tsp, is your TAPI application connecting to?

Edit: I googled regarding a configuration such as yours and noted this article about a similar issue to the problem you're describing. It seems there is a problem regarding impersonating a user when the remotesp.tsp is involved.

I'm using system's "remotesp.tsp" to connect to TAPI server. The server is using "Panasonic KX-TDA Version" (ctsp0000.tsp) to connect to PBX (through USB cable)