I have been wondering for a while, after asking different people and without any of them providing what I would call an "at least a bit concrete answer":
Where, in an iPhone application should an application keep the references to it's Model Classes (using the MVC approach) ?
In iPhone (and Cocoa) applications we have what we call the "App Delegate", which basically start's up our application and inits our controllers, also handles UITouch events.
So is the App Delegate a controller ? a model class ? none of the two ? I think not knowing that also makes confusing to know where to put the Model References.
You have the Application Delegate, that delegate contains a reference to your Application's View Controller. If my Application would use Model Class A ( which is a webserver daemon class ), and a Class B which stores data queried by that webserver.
Where would you guys store the references to A and B ? (App Delegate ? View Controller ? Both ? )
There are many options here, but as an example, I would really like to know how would you guys use mvc to put together this application which only uses one View.