I've recently learned that python doesn't have the switch/case statement. I've been reading about using dictionaries in its stead, like this for example:
values = {
value1: do_some_stuff1,
value2: do_some_stuff2,
valueN: do_some_stuffN,
values.get(var, do_default_stuff)()
What I can't figure out is how to apply this to do a range test. So instead of doing some stuff if value1=4
say, doing some stuff if value1<4.
So something like this (which I know doesn't work):
values = {
if value1 <val: do_some_stuff1,
if value2 >val: do_some_stuff2,
values.get(var, do_default_stuff)()
I've tried doing this with if/elif/else statements. It works fine but it seems to go considerably slower compared to the situation where I don't need the if statements at all (which is maybe something obvious an inevitable). So here's my code with the if/elif/else statement:
if sep_ang(val1,val2,X,Y)>=ROI :
elif sep_ang(val1,val2,X,Y)<=5.0:
print name,val1,val2,sep_ang(val1,val2,X,Y),integral,index
print >> reg,'fk5;point(',val1,val2,')# point=cross text={',name,'}'
spectrum[0].getElementsByTagName("parameter")[0].setAttribute("free","0") #Integral
spectrum[0].getElementsByTagName("parameter")[1].setAttribute("free","0") #Index
print name,val1,val2,sep_ang(val1,val2,X,Y),integral,index
print >> reg,'fk5;point(',val1,val2,')# point=cross text={',name,'}'
Which takes close to 5 min for checking about 1500 values of the var sep_ang. Where as if I don't want to use setAttribute() to change values in my xml file based on the value of sep_ang, I use this simple if else:
if sep_ang(val1,val2,X,Y)>=ROI :
print name,val1,val2,ang_sep(val1,val2,X,Y);print >> reg,'fk5;point(',val1,val2,')# point
Which only takes ~30sec. Again I know it's likely that adding that elif statement and changing values of that attribute inevitably increases the execution time of my code by a great deal, I was just curious if there's a way around it.
Edit: Is the benefit of using bisect as opposed to an if/elif statement in my situation that it can check values over some range quicker than using a bunch of elif statements?
It seems like I'll still need to use elif statements. Like this for example:
def func(val)
return options[bisect(range, val)]
if func(val)=a:
do stuff
elif func(val)=b:
do other stuff
do other other stuff
So then my elif statement are only checking against a single value.
Thanks much for the help, it's greatly appreciated.