I wanted to shrink the size of a large text file with float values into a binary .dat file, so I used (in c++):
// the text stream
std::ifstream fin(sourceFile);
// the binary output stream
std::ofstream out(destinationFile, std::ios::binary);
float val;
fin >> val;
out.write((char *)&val,sizeof(float));
Then, I wanted to read all the float values from the rpeviously created binary file into a array of float values. But when I try to read from this file I get an exception at the last line of code (the reading process):
// test read
std::ifstream fstream(destinationFile, std::ios::binary);
__int64 fileSize = 0;
struct __stat64 fileStat;
if(0 == _tstat64(destinationFile, &fileStat))
fileSize = fileStat.st_size;
//get the number of float tokens in the file
size_t tokensCount = fileSize / sizeof(float);
float* pBuff = new float[tokensCount];
fstream.read((char*)&pBuff, tokensCount * sizeof(float));
What am I doing wrong?