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How is executed binaries (written in c++ ForExample) in mobiles??
Is it only possible as mixed with J2ME or is it possible to execute "RAW" (like exe file) binary.
(In old and new mobiles)
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How is executed binaries (written in c++ ForExample) in mobiles??
Is it only possible as mixed with J2ME or is it possible to execute "RAW" (like exe file) binary.
(In old and new mobiles)
Common Windows .exe are unlikely to run on mobiles out-of-the box.
The target mobile has to have a specific SDK, which will help compiling C code into native platform code.
Or, if the mobile has a common operating system, like Symbian or Windows mobile, then you need SDK and compilers for these target platforms.
I think it depends on the operating system of the mobile device. For example, if its Windows Mobile 5/6 they can use .exe files compiled with the Windows CE SDK.
Running a program on a mobile phone is like running it on a normal computer.
You have to take two things into consideration the processor that is running the phone and the OS that is running on top of the processor.
How is executed binaries (written in c++ ForExample) in mobiles??
There are two ways.
First, the application can consist of natively executable instructions. In a Windows CE based mobile phone, like Windows Mobile/phone, this means the PE format, which native C and C++ code is compiled and linked to.
Second, the application can be managed by a runtime environment, like J2ME for Java and the CLR for .Net CF on Windows CE/Mobile/Phone. Then the runtime environment executes PE and the application layer above, e.g., .Net CF is compiled to an intermediate language that is compiled to PE during runtime ("jitted").