What are different approaches to filter and assign XML data to controls. my application get show when I do this using Array and looping??
Hope this helps. In the future try to be a bit more specific with your questions.
Use a for loop to iterate through nodes of the XML, as follows:
var total:Number = 0;
for each (var property:XML in myXML.item)
var q:int = Number(property.@quantity);
var p:Number = Number(property.price);
var itemTotal:Number = q * p;
total += itemTotal;
trace(q + " " + property.menuName + " $" + itemTotal.toFixed(2))
trace("Total: $", total.toFixed(2));
You can use the parentheses operators-- ( and ) --to filter elements with a specific element name or attribute value. Consider the following XML object:
var x:XML =
<employee id="347">
<position>Data analyst</position>
<employee id="348">
<position>Jr. data analyst</position>
The following expressions are all valid:
x.employee.(lastName ==
"McGee")--This is the second employee
x.employee.(lastName ==
"McGee").firstName--This is the
firstName property of the second
employee node.
== "McGee").@id--This is the value of the id attribute of the second
employee node.
x.employee.(@id ==
347)--The first employee node.
x.employee.(@id ==
347).lastName--This is the lastName
property of the first employee node.
x.employee.(@id > 300)--This is an
XMLList with both employee
> -1)--This is an XMLList with both position properties.
See http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=13_Working_with_XML_04.html for more information.
Todd Moses
2010-02-09 19:20:04