



Hi all,

I never do any windows programming. I also have no idea how I would start this project. Hoping I could get some high level steps.

Problem: I have many versions of source on my computer. Each one may have a different description and a different state. I always get confused which one is in which state. I'd like it if I could record their states in a file/gui/app of some sort and then have the descriptions of the builds and the state of the build printed on my desktop so I'll always be immediately aware of it. I'd also like this application to display on the overlay the values of some of my environment variables. It's comparable to those apps you find on public workstations that display your IP address and your time logged in. Again, I need high level steps in order to get started.

Extras: I am pretty good with c, c++, java. I'd like my solution to be cross platform for future expandability.
I also don't mind using ruby or python to do this project - but again, I'd like it to use a library that makes cross platform-ness easy to do.

Thanks in advance.
