




I have 2 unrelated tables A and B which both have foreign key constraints on C. I need to run an sql query that determines if either A or B contain a given id of C. My first approach was to use the union all but A and B are not related thus it will not work.

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

Not 100% sure what you're asking but if you mean to return the elements of A and B that match the id in C then this will do it.

Select c.*, a.*, b.*
From c.id
    Left Outer Join a On a.id  = c.id
    Left Outer Join b On b.id = c.id
Where c.id = @somevalue and (a.id Is Not Null or b.id Is Not Null)

Where @somevalue is the value you're looking for.

Steve Homer
Performance wise, this is probably not the best solution as it will always result int table 'a','b' and 'c' being accessed. You shouldn't need to access 'c' at all, and may benefit from accessing 'a' and only accessing 'b' if 'a' doesn't match (or vice versa).
Interesting points - worth bearing in mind.
Steve Homer
+5  A: 
Select 1 
From   DUAL
Where Exists ( Select null From Table_A Where a.fk = :id ) OR 
      Exists ( Select null From Table_B Where b.fk = :id );
Matthew Flynn
"from dual" would be better than "from table_c", otherwise you'll get one result row for each row in table_c, since you didn't specify a criteria on it.
Good point. Wasn't really thinking about the FROM
Matthew Flynn
Jeffrey Kemp
Thank you Mr. Kemp.
Matthew Flynn
+2  A: 

You could indeed use union, why not? But why use UNION ALL, and not just UNION? Just pick the one common column:

       (select A.fk from A inner join C on A.FK = C.pk 
        select B.fk from B inner join C on B.FK = C.pk) AS bothTables 
WHERE fk = 'desiredValue';

This would work just nicely.

Tested it on the following tables in MySQL, with myValue = 1, just to verify.

mysql> select * from A;
| pk   | value  | fk   |
|    1 | ape    |    2 | 
|    2 | fjfjfj |    3 | 
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from B;
| pk   | value  | fk   |
|    1 | katt   |    1 | 
|    2 | fjfjfj |    3 | 
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from C;
| pk   | value |
|    1 | hei   | 
|    2 | nei   | 
|    3 | jeg   | 
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Erik A. Brandstadmoen