So the GetWindowText is declared on MSDN as follows:
int GetWindowText(
HWND hWnd,
LPTSTR lpString,
int nMaxCount
However for the code to work we have to declare the second parameter as
TCHAR[255] WTitle;
and then call the function GetWindowText(hWnd,Wtitle,255);
The LPTSTR is a pointer to an array of tchar, so declaring LPTSTR is similar to declaring TCHAR[]? It doesn't work this way though.
When using TCHAR[] the program returns valid GetWindowText result (it is an integer equal to the number of symbols in the title). The question is : how can I get the exact title out of TCHAR[] ? Code like
TCHAR[255] WTitle;
cout<< WTitle;
cout<< *Wtitle;
returns numbers. How can I compare this with a given string?
TCHAR[4] Test= __T("TEST")
if (WTitle == Test) do smth
doesn't work also.