I'm trying to get the products that havn't been made in the last 2 years. I'm not that great with SQL but here's what i've started with and it doesn't work.
Lets say for this example that my schema looks like this
prod_id, date_created, num_units_created.
I'll take any advice i can get.
select id, (select date from table
where date <= sysdate - 740) older,
(select date from table
where date >= sysdate - 740) newer
from table
where newer - older
I'm not being clear enough.
Basically i want all products that havn't been produced in the last 2 years. Whenever a product is produced, a line gets added. So if i just did sysdate <= 740, it would only give me all the products that were produced from the beginning up til 2 years ago.
I want all products that have been produced in the at least once, but not in the last 2 years.
I hope that clears it up.