



Hi all,

I have a simple question: can anyone suggest me - what is the control which is used as editor to compose messages in mac mail??

My guess is- TextView but I cannot get - 1. How will I show icon in message body when some document is dragged and dropped in it, as in mac mail. Right now it only shows path of document! 2. How will I show vertical bars to represent different quote levels??

From this link- I got the clue that they can have used WebView in mac mail, but this post is still to be answered! :(

Can anyone suggest me some idea or link or code through which I can implement - formatting messages like in mac mail???



+2  A: 

Apple Mail definitely uses a WebView as its editing interface. You'll need to implement the various WebView delegates in order to achieve the functionality you want, there's definitely nothing that will work "out of the box".

Rob Keniger
........ thanks :) I will definitely go for it!
Also, I want to know that -can we get same look and feel like mac mail editor using NSTextView and NSLayoutManager, I mean the quote levels etc??