



I need to use my phone as emulator/target/virtual device when I run my application. I have installed HTC Sync and the USB driver is in order. I have enabled the USB Debugging in Settings.

What more do I need to do to make Eclipse AVD Manager to detect my phone? I made it work on anohher coumputer, following the exact same steps I have done now. "Suddenly" it just detected the phone. This makes no sense! argh

Help please?


Your phone is not a virtual device. Just plug it in, make sure that USB debugging is enabled on the phone and run or debug your application.

Maurits Rijk

Even if you have installed the USB driver, there might be a lurking wrong USB registration with Windows. You can use USBDeview to check the registered drivers and remove all entries for your phone before plugging it in, then choose the driver from the SDK when asked.

David Schmitt

When I did it I never actually installed HTC Sync. I used the AVD Manager to install the USB Driver and followed these instructions

+1  A: 

Finally - it works! In Run Configurations -> Target -> Select "Manual" instead of "Automatic", then you have to choose device or emualtor when you run the application. And then I could choose my phone instead of the emulators.

'Automatic' on my system always gives preferences to my real device over the virtual device. However, nice to hear that it works for you.
Maurits Rijk

Sara, can you please provide the steps that you've taken?

what i've done is - 1. installed usb driver (my windows xp detects the installed device) 2. changed the debugging set

but my eclipse never detects device. i've a g1. i can't see it through ddms too.

do i need to install htc sync?

can someone help??


how do i get the htc hero to work along with eclipse (3.5) with ubuntu 9.10? it wont detect my phone at all :(


Thanks for the link to the drivers. I've searched EVERYWHERE until I got here couldn't find them. Will definitely be backing them up. Thanks again.
