



Hi, I have a class looking like this:

#include <vector>
#include "record.h"
#include "sortcalls.h"

    typename T,
    template<typename , typename Allocator = std::allocator<T> > class Cont = std::vector>
class Sort: public SortCall {

This code is working and I'm calling it like this from other classes:

Comparator c; // comparison functor
Sort< Record, std::vector > s(c);

Now I want to be able to switch the containers to another container, say a list. So I thought a typedef would be neat. It should be something like

typedef std::vector<Record> container;  // Default record container

    typename T,
    template< typename, typename container > // ???
class Sort: public SortCall {

You should be able to use 'container' directly after typename as you have it in your example. It's type specification will be expanded when the compiler runs.

Try compiling it...


I think it might be easier if you use type traits. Every container in STL and boost has number off typedef, among them value_type (consult reference So your code may look like:

template<class C>
class sort {
  typedef typename C::value_type value_type; // equivalent to T in your case.
  // similarly you can get allocator, iterator, etc.
+2  A: 

Don't use template template parameters (Cont in your code), they are brittle and inflexible. Use a rebind mechanism if you need to (std::allocator is an example), but you don't in this case:

template<class T, class Cont=std::vector<T> >
struct Sort {
  typedef Cont container_type; // if you need to access it from outside the class
  // similar to std::vector::value_type (which you might want to add here too)

typedef Sort<int, std::list<int> > IntListSort;

Compare to std::queue and std::stack, which also follow this pattern.

Roger Pate
Using this design over template template parameters is one of those things a lot of us learn the hard way, with lots of squinting at the standard and scratching of the head. +1.
Derrick Turk
This might be the best solution for future development. You get my vote. Although UncleBens provided the first working solution. Thx all!