



I found the following function can draw a vertical gradient in PHP. However, many web designers like their gradients to have an upper-left lightsource to make the gradient look more realistic. So, how do I change the angle slightly on the vertical gradient, making it into a slight gradient? I don't want to completely overdo it, but just a slight movement to the right as it proceeds down the vertical gradient.


function hex2rgb($sColor) {
    $sColor = str_replace('#','',$sColor);
    $nLen = strlen($sColor) / 3;
    $anRGB = array();
    return $anRGB;

$nWidth = 960;
$nHeight = 250;
$sStartColor = '#2b8ae1';
$sEndColor = '#0054a1';
$nStep = 1;

$hImage = imagecreatetruecolor($nWidth,$nHeight);
$nRows = imagesy($hImage);
$nCols = imagesx($hImage);
list($r1,$g1,$b1) = hex2rgb($sStartColor);
list($r2,$g2,$b2) = hex2rgb($sEndColor);
$nOld_r = 0; $nOld_g = 0; $nOld_b = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $nRows; $i=$i+1+$nStep ) {
    $r = ( $r2 - $r1 != 0 ) ? intval( $r1 + ( $r2 - $r1 ) * ( $i / $nRows ) ): $r1;
    $g = ( $g2 - $g1 != 0 ) ? intval( $g1 + ( $g2 - $g1 ) * ( $i / $nRows ) ): $g1;
    $b = ( $b2 - $b1 != 0 ) ? intval( $b1 + ( $b2 - $b1 ) * ( $i / $nRows ) ): $b1;
    if ( "$nOld_r,$nOld_g,$nOld_b" != "$r,$g,$b") {
        $hFill = imagecolorallocate( $hImage, $r, $g, $b );
    imagefilledrectangle($hImage, 0, $i, $nCols, $i+$nStep, $hFill);
    $nOld_r= $r;
    $nOld_g= $g;
    $nOld_b= $b;
header("Content-type: image/png");
+1  A: 

I'm not going to do the geometry - but create the vertical gradient as a larger image then rotate and crop it:

$degrees = -5;
$newImage = imagecreatetruecolor($nWidth, $nHeight);
$rotated = imagerotate($hImage, $degrees, 0);
imagecopy($newImage, $rotated, 0, 0, $x, $y, $width, $height)
imagerotate() is not there for me on PHP 5.2.4. It says on the page for this function that it is one of the GD library functions that has a memory leak and is not included with Ubuntu (which is what I'm running). Got another option?
Volomike've never used this function - but someone has posted an alternate imageRotate function to solve this problem that looks quite promising.
I tried many of those and found that imagerotateEquivalent() did the trick! Thanks, thetaiko.
Just wanted to add to thetaiko's advice that if I make $nWidth and $nHeight double their size at first (at the top of my code), then set $x to 25 and $y to 171 in his code, then $width and $height in his code to half of $nWidth and $nHeight, it resolves this problem 100% using imagerotateEquivalent.
This isn't thread-safe, but PHP can shell out and do this command on Linux if ImageMagick is installed: convert -size 1000x400 gradient:#bfb-#4b4 -rotate -5 +repage -crop '960x250+25+100' greenbar.png. However, PHP does have an ImageMagick extension to do this internally.

The following snippet runs much faster than the GD libraries and without the complexity. You have to install the ImageMagick extension for PHP, though.

$oImage = new Imagick();
$oImage->newPseudoImage(1000, 400, 'gradient:#09F-#048' );
$oImage->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel(), -3);
$oImage->cropImage(960, 250, 25, 100);
header( "Content-Type: image/png" );
echo $oImage;