I have noticed this really annoying behaviour in xcode at the moment where I try and select a file in the "Group & Files" tree and xcode "automatically" un-selects it and moves the focus to the enclosing group.
The SCM Group is in a perpetual spinning state and I assume that this is related however I can't seem to prevent it. There is no user-initiated SCM operation happening and my guess is that xcode is "checking" with the repo what files are out of date so it can update the "M" or "U" flags in the SCM gutter.
Is there a xcode setting to prevent the auto "unselection & jumping to the group" from happening.
I have tried changing the SCM settings to "Go Offline" but this still happens and it is driving me insane, especially trying to select multiple items.
I am using wireless broadband so maybe the SCM operations are overlapping and causing this.. but I am just guessing?